From now until December 15th, post the urls to your cover art/image/picture and/or your favorite verse in the Comments section below. I will transfer them to the Link Libraries, right, for people to make their choices from. if need be, i can resize images (not too huge, please, and not so small i can't enlarge them if need be - about 450x300 is good, or anything near that range), and typesetting the verse nicely and creating new urls in special albums to both so that they don't link back to your albums personally.
To prepare and send the cards, put the verse (inside) link in the a href (or url, depending on the code style of the site you will be posting it to) section, and the cover art in the img src (or img) section. i am trying to figure out how to put them in an "envelope" somehow...there must be a way to code image-in-image, i just have to work it out.
EXAMPLE ONE - HTTP CODE :<a href="verse link"><img src="image link"></a>
EXAMPLE TWO - BBB CODE : [url=verse link][img]image link[/img][/url]
alternate for BBB (i know of at least one site that needs this)
[url="verse link"][img]image link[/img][/url]

HERE is our personal holiday clipart album for you to enjoy and use either as inspiration or raw material. Have fun! I will try to keep track of whose art and/or verse is most popular and give out prizes for that, and everyone who participates will get a little something...along with a lovely holiday greeting to send all their friends online.